Aura Scanning
All things in this universe, whether they are living or not, are made of energy, and anything that has energy has an aura around it. Seven distinct energy layers make up the aura, and each one bears an emotional and desire imprint. These energy layers can be identified by a particular color that corresponds to their emotional, mental, karmic, spiritual, and divine health. Using a particular type of bio-energic sensor, aura photography is used to capture the real data and insight of the energy in the form of a color spectrum. The process of scanning your aura can provide you with real knowledge that is very valuable and personalized by revealing the state of your body and life.
Contact us today to get your detailed aura scanning report that would reveal the followings:
- Basic personality features and behavioral pattern.
- Degree of success in power & money.
- Presence of healing powers within your body.
- An insight to your near future.
- Emotional and Karmic blockages in your life.
Aura Scanning: Schedule your appointment today!
Benefits of Aura Scanning
Self-Discovery and Awareness
Aura scanning allows individuals to gain insights into their subconscious thoughts, emotions, and energies. By understanding the colors and patterns present in their aura, individuals can identify areas for personal growth and development.
Energy Balancing
Identifying imbalances or blockages in the aura can help individuals address underlying issues and restore balance to their energy field. Through targeted energy healing techniques, we help clients release negative energy and promote overall well-being.
Emotional Healing
Emotions play a significant role in shaping our aura, and unresolved emotional issues can manifest as disturbances in the energy field. Aura scanning can reveal these emotional imbalances, allowing individuals to work through past traumas and achieve emotional healing.
Personal and Spiritual Growth
By gaining a deeper understanding of their aura, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Aura scanning can uncover hidden talents, strengths, and potentials, empowering individuals to fulfill their life’s purpose and align with their true essence.
Our Approach to Aura Scanning
At Vastu Veda, we utilize advanced aura scanning technology (Bio-Well) combined with intuitive insights to provide a comprehensive analysis of your energy field. Our experienced practitioners guide you through the process, offering personalized recommendations based on your unique aura profile.